September 13, 2011 - J.Crew’s first presentation - Marissa Webb
Jérôme Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 9978 Age : 61 Localisation : Paris Date d'inscription : 04/08/2007
(#) Sujet: September 13, 2011 - J.Crew’s first presentation - Marissa Webb Mer 30 Nov 2011 - 21:11
For J.Crew’s first presentation during New York Fashion Week, Jenny Lyons Marissa Webb and their team compiled a bevy of casual chic looks that evoke personality and again mesh the feminine with the masculine. Inspired by the desire to travel “with a little bit of Francoise Hardy who is just gorgeous and has that feminine meets boy contrast that we always love to highlight” (Marissa Webb), it’s evident that J.Crew was ready for their debut.... ( )
Inspiration from Françoise Hardy's feminine and tomboy style....
luc Fanissime
Nombre de messages : 1653 Age : 72 Localisation : BELGIQUE Date d'inscription : 20/07/2009
(#) Sujet: Re: September 13, 2011 - J.Crew’s first presentation - Marissa Webb Jeu 1 Déc 2011 - 10:20
These girls are anorexic, that was not Françoise who was thin. And I don’t speak about the style and the elegance.
sundridge18 Passionné
Nombre de messages : 597 Age : 76 Localisation : Royaume Uni Date d'inscription : 02/01/2010
(#) Sujet: Re: September 13, 2011 - J.Crew’s first presentation - Marissa Webb Jeu 1 Déc 2011 - 14:08
I cannot see how Francoise could inspire clothes like these. I wonder what her opinion is.
Jérôme Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 9978 Age : 61 Localisation : Paris Date d'inscription : 04/08/2007
(#) Sujet: Re: September 13, 2011 - J.Crew’s first presentation - Marissa Webb Jeu 1 Déc 2011 - 19:52
In my opinion, there is no chance of seeing one day Françoise wearing such garments. I am convinced that the emphasis on the name of Françoise Hardy is just a marketing argument without merit. Only pure marketing for ordinary clothings worn by girls too thin to be from real life. A big commercial scam ...
Alexandre Modérateur
Nombre de messages : 3574 Age : 52 Localisation : Paris Date d'inscription : 06/08/2007
(#) Sujet: Re: September 13, 2011 - J.Crew’s first presentation - Marissa Webb Ven 2 Déc 2011 - 14:10
Difficult to say if this is only commercial scam as Françoise Hardy is not any more so well known in the United States today. However, the clothes lack a bit of elegance to be hopefully connected to her.
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(#) Sujet: Re: September 13, 2011 - J.Crew’s first presentation - Marissa Webb
September 13, 2011 - J.Crew’s first presentation - Marissa Webb