Françoise Hardy - Mon amie la rose

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Le deal à ne pas rater :
BD Saint Seiya – Time Odyssey Tome 3 Collector
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 An optimistic seller

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Féminin Nombre de messages : 597
Age : 75
Localisation : Royaume Uni
Date d'inscription : 02/01/2010

An optimistic seller _
Message(#) Sujet: An optimistic seller An optimistic seller Default12Sam 31 Aoû 2013 - 1:29

"T'es pas poli"
  Single by Francoise  and Patrick  Dewaere  Sonopresse HY 45.907    of 1971
fAn optimistic seller 279249730_MML 


 I know that this single is not easy to find but I was very  surprised to see it listed  as a "Buy it now"on eBay for the staggering price of 299,90€.  This is certainly a very optimistic seller but I cannot believe that it will be sold at this highly inflated price. Surely any potential buyer would do some research before paying so much?
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 9966
Age : 61
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 04/08/2007

An optimistic seller _
Message(#) Sujet: Re: An optimistic seller An optimistic seller Default12Sam 31 Aoû 2013 - 7:42

That's true indeed. Wink 

Nevertheless, I would prefer the forum to stay in the sharing of news or thoughts about Françoise Hardy rather than on sellers expectations on eBay. Sometimes I feel like if the forum was a promoting media for eBay and I don't like that. Thank you for your understanding. rose 
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An optimistic seller
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