Françoise Hardy - Mon amie la rose

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 Picture of Francoise used as promotional tool

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Féminin Nombre de messages : 597
Age : 75
Localisation : Royaume Uni
Date d'inscription : 02/01/2010

Picture of Francoise used as promotional tool _
Message(#) Sujet: Picture of Francoise used as promotional tool Picture of Francoise used as promotional tool Default12Ven 20 Fév 2015 - 21:40

For sale on eBay: a promotional flyer for a 1966 single by the Executives. The recording includes bassist Glenn Cornick, later of Jethro Tull. ( The green initials have been added  by the seller  for eBay purposes). The picture of FH used is on the cover of MADEMOISELLE AGE TENDRE no 14, December 1965.    Picture of Francoise used as promotional tool Executivesa

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Picture of Francoise used as promotional tool
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