Françoise Hardy - Mon amie la rose

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 20 mai 2018 - With French legend Francoise Hardy (BBC Radio 6)

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 9966
Age : 61
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 04/08/2007

20 mai 2018 - With French legend Francoise Hardy (BBC Radio 6) _
Message(#) Sujet: 20 mai 2018 - With French legend Francoise Hardy (BBC Radio 6) 20 mai 2018 - With French legend Francoise Hardy (BBC Radio 6) Default12Mar 15 Mai 2018 - 19:49

20 mai 2018 - With French legend Francoise Hardy (BBC Radio 6) P05tj710
With French legend Francoise Hardy
Amy Lamé

Amy Lamé is joined from Paris by French musical legend Francoise Hardy to chat about her illustrious career in music and the arrival of her twenty-fourth album Personne d'autre.
She recalls previous collaborations with the musician Iggy Pop and Britpoppers Blur as well as a new visual collaboration with the film director Francois Ozon who's used Francoise's music extensively within his own movies.
When asked about the possibility of touring by Amy, Francoise responds with an explanation as to how she personally sees herself within the world of music which saw her give up performing on-stage back in 1968.
A broadcaster, performer and writer, Amy has been a regular voice on 6 Music. As well as sitting in for Tom Ravenscroft, Lauren Laverne, Nemone and Steve Lamacq, she has also presented one-off specials. These include the Sunday Service slot last year, where she explored the music that led up to Gay Liberation in the late 1960s, the music that drove the movement forward and the songs that inspired her, as part of 6 Music's Loud and Proud season.
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 9966
Age : 61
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 04/08/2007

20 mai 2018 - With French legend Francoise Hardy (BBC Radio 6) _
Message(#) Sujet: Re: 20 mai 2018 - With French legend Francoise Hardy (BBC Radio 6) 20 mai 2018 - With French legend Francoise Hardy (BBC Radio 6) Default12Dim 20 Mai 2018 - 20:56

On peut entendre l'entretien en anglais sur le replay de l'émission ici :

Françoise Hardy intervient pendant environ 30 minutes sur la plage 1h00mn40 / 1h28mn

Elle en profite pour faire la promotion de "Doigts" tout en expliquant quelque peu l'origine du texte....

Attention, le replay ne sera disponible que pendant 30 jours.
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Féminin Nombre de messages : 597
Age : 75
Localisation : Royaume Uni
Date d'inscription : 02/01/2010

20 mai 2018 - With French legend Francoise Hardy (BBC Radio 6) _
Message(#) Sujet: Re: 20 mai 2018 - With French legend Francoise Hardy (BBC Radio 6) 20 mai 2018 - With French legend Francoise Hardy (BBC Radio 6) Default12Dim 20 Mai 2018 - 22:29

25 minutes of the programme were devoted to Francoise who sounded happy and relaxed speaking on the phone from Paris. There were no problems with her English. Some of the programme consisted of items we have heard before-collaboration with La Grande Sophy, the connection with The Poets of the Fall and her great liking for the group Cigarettes After Sex. Asked about working with Francois 
Ozun she said it was "a stress" and laughed over whether "Personne d'autre" is her 24th studio album or not and that not even she knows how many she has made. Amy Lame said that the video of Le Large was almost like a guide to growing old gracefully and this made FH laugh. On working with Damon Albarn of Blur she said she thought he had something in common with Jacques and Thomas,it was a pleasure because he was so talented and relaxed but they were not working in a very good studio,many things were missing from the backing so she found it very difficult to sing on the tape. As for Iggy Pop,she had stage fright singing with him,and after the recording of "I'll be seeing you" they had dinner in a good restaurant with very good French Bordeaux wine. We heard about her listening to Radio Luxemburg when she was young. The songs she heard there together with French chanson were her main influences although she felt under no pressure to carry on the tradition of French chanson. The only problem with her first record company was getting them to agree to her recording her albums in London. Asked to pick something from her back catalogue she chose "Doigts" because it was her "last composition." She doesn't know why she called the song that but it was very private. She was very much in love at the time but it was very painful and most of the time that she regretted that the traces of the fingers of her lover didn't last long.
    She considers the reception given to the new album to be "surrealistic." Asked whether she would be doing live shows she explained that she had given this up in 1968. She was not a stage artist like,say,Johnny Hallyday.Maybe she will appear on stage in her next life! Songs played: Le large,I'll be seeing you, Doigts, and Train special.
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 9966
Age : 61
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 04/08/2007

20 mai 2018 - With French legend Francoise Hardy (BBC Radio 6) _
Message(#) Sujet: Re: 20 mai 2018 - With French legend Francoise Hardy (BBC Radio 6) 20 mai 2018 - With French legend Francoise Hardy (BBC Radio 6) Default12Lun 21 Mai 2018 - 12:16

Merci pour le résumé. Wink

J'ai trouvé que la conversation était assez facile à suivre même si Françoise parlait de façon un peu hachée et hésitante.

Ce qui est bien c'est qu'en anglais elle fait des commentaires un peu différents qu'à l'accoutumée même si elle n'a pas pu s'empêcher de tourner en dérision le fait qu'aucun de ses interviewers, ni elle-même ne savent combien elle a enregistré d'albums. Personnellement cette pique permanente m'agace. C'est tout de même simple de prendre 5 minutes pour regarder et en plus au final ça n'a pas beaucoup d'intérêt.....

20 mai 2018 - With French legend Francoise Hardy (BBC Radio 6) Captur73
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 9966
Age : 61
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 04/08/2007

20 mai 2018 - With French legend Francoise Hardy (BBC Radio 6) _
Message(#) Sujet: Re: 20 mai 2018 - With French legend Francoise Hardy (BBC Radio 6) 20 mai 2018 - With French legend Francoise Hardy (BBC Radio 6) Default12Mer 6 Juin 2018 - 11:31

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 9966
Age : 61
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 04/08/2007

20 mai 2018 - With French legend Francoise Hardy (BBC Radio 6) _
Message(#) Sujet: Re: 20 mai 2018 - With French legend Francoise Hardy (BBC Radio 6) 20 mai 2018 - With French legend Francoise Hardy (BBC Radio 6) Default12Mer 6 Juin 2018 - 11:31

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20 mai 2018 - With French legend Francoise Hardy (BBC Radio 6) _
Message(#) Sujet: Re: 20 mai 2018 - With French legend Francoise Hardy (BBC Radio 6) 20 mai 2018 - With French legend Francoise Hardy (BBC Radio 6) Default12

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20 mai 2018 - With French legend Francoise Hardy (BBC Radio 6)
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