Françoise Hardy - Mon amie la rose

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 9 juillet 2018 - An interview with Françoise Hardy (Dangerous mind)

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 9966
Age : 61
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 04/08/2007

9 juillet 2018 -  An interview with Françoise Hardy (Dangerous mind) _
Message(#) Sujet: 9 juillet 2018 - An interview with Françoise Hardy (Dangerous mind) 9 juillet 2018 -  An interview with Françoise Hardy (Dangerous mind) Default12Lun 9 Juil 2018 - 17:09

The Despair of Monkeys and Other Trifles: An interview with Françoise Hardy
09:29 am

9 juillet 2018 -  An interview with Françoise Hardy (Dangerous mind) Franco15

I recently read the Feral House publication, The Despair of Monkeys and Other Trifles: A Memoir by the great French singer/songwriter Françoise Hardy and got the absolute pleasure of discovering how rich and dynamic her life has been. Rarely have I read a book where a woman musician has talked about the way she has managed her career (or how she has been managed) and made herself vulnerable in this way. She is honest about her own desires, strengths and interests and—most wonderfully—she talks at length about the actual music making process and her genuine opinions and needs in recording sessions and throughout her tenure as a musical artist. These strong discussions are a breath of fresh air in a world where women in the musical world are rarely heard from. What a book!
Hardy’s story itself is fascinating from beginning to end. Filled with heartbreak, joy, adventure and intimately fascinating details about family, love, spirituality and world change. Guest appearances from people like Johnny Hallyday, Serge Gainsbourg, Malcolm McLaren and (of course) husband Jacques Dutronc amongst many others. This book is a solid read about an amazing artist and figure that has produced incredible work.

Posted by Ariel Schudson

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 9966
Age : 61
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 04/08/2007

9 juillet 2018 -  An interview with Françoise Hardy (Dangerous mind) _
Message(#) Sujet: Re: 9 juillet 2018 - An interview with Françoise Hardy (Dangerous mind) 9 juillet 2018 -  An interview with Françoise Hardy (Dangerous mind) Default12Lun 9 Juil 2018 - 17:21

I was lucky enough to be able to interview her by email about her memoir. Thanks so much to Françoise Hardy and Feral House for this.

Your passion for music and love for your work is clear in this book. You also have a keen respect for the musical engineers who recorded and produced your work. Do you think most of today’s musicians no longer possess that kind of dedication?
Musicians, from yesterday or today, of course, know the vital importance of a good sound engineer, even if young composers and producers have more skills in a recording session. Today I am worried by excessive production. There are so many new singers everywhere, every day. It’s the same thing with books and movies. Too much production kills the artistic elements. As you know, media looks for efficiency rather than for quality. They are only interested in the short term and don’t care enough for timeless melodies.

You mention working with modern figures like Iggy Pop and Damon Albarn and those these were quite positive experiences versus the commercialistic result of the McLaren project. Can you expand on why you connected with these two?
I like and admire Iggy Pop and Damon Albarn very much, and I think that Malcolm McLaren’s album Paris is really great. But, these three collaborations were not significant to our respective careers. For instance, tremendous musicians like Michel Berger and Gabriel Yared have been far, far more important to my work and me as we shared many more connections between their musical world and mine.

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9 juillet 2018 - An interview with Françoise Hardy (Dangerous mind)
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