Françoise Hardy - Mon amie la rose

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 Vintage Icon ... Françoise Hardy

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 9978
Age : 61
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 04/08/2007

Vintage Icon ... Françoise Hardy _
Message(#) Sujet: Vintage Icon ... Françoise Hardy Vintage Icon ... Françoise Hardy Default12Mar 10 Fév 2009 - 23:24

Vintage icon… Françoise Hardy (From :

Vintage Icon ... Françoise Hardy Francoisehardy1

If you were to ask me the question, which decade is your favourite in terms of fashion, I would probably answer 60s and earlier. Though I’d answer like that, I think that I may actually have a slight weakness for 1960s fashions. Maybe it’s largely due to my being a teen and the 60s was the beginning of youth culture? I don’t know, but it leads me promptly onto this week’s vintage icon… Françoise Hardy.

A bitesize bio…
Françoise Hardy was born on January 17th 1944 in Paris and began her career in 1961. She is known mainly for her music, but has also dabbled in acting, astrology, modelling and an array of other talents. There is a wonderful biography written up here, so anyone interested in finding out more about her life, do read through that.

Since this is a fashion blog of sorts, I am going to focus upon her style. I have to admit that this is the first “vintage icon” post where I have been fully intrigued by the icon before writing the post. Other icons led me to develop obsessions with things - like deers following the Audrey post !

Photo feast
Hardy has a fairly simple style, as far as I can tell. She appears to allude an aura of chic, in that innately French way which I can only ever dream of achieving. Because of my bias toward Hardy’s 60s look, I did pick photos demonstrating this youthful period, but I do believe she has remained rather stylish throughout her life - right up to the present day.

Vintage Icon ... Françoise Hardy Francoisehardy2Vintage Icon ... Françoise Hardy Francoisehardy3

It’s probably because of the snow showers last week that I am so drawn to this coat. Just look at that furry collar (I’m not a massive fan of fur but…), it is utterly gorgeous and looks so toasty! // Bicycle chic… I have a minor thing about looking stylish on bicycles (so much so that I bought a rather nice helmet from London Cycle Chic last year, but have only managed to wear it twice so far.) and Hardy does it wonderfully here! I especially like the pocket matching the shorts.

Vintage Icon ... Françoise Hardy Francoisehardy4Vintage Icon ... Françoise Hardy Francoisehardy5

I have to admit, the main reason I am drawn to Hardy’s style is because of her hair. You know when you have a picture in your head of what you want your own hair to look like (is this just me?) but never quite manage to describe it… well, Hardy’s hair here is almost exactly like the hair I picture in my head! Coupled with the good hair, her naturally pretty face looks even lovlier with the simple makeup she has. I’m a fairly subtle makeup person myself (in that I cannay be bothered to experiment most of the time…) so this look appeals to me greatly (though may not appeal to everyone…)

Vintage Icon ... Françoise Hardy Francoisehardy6Vintage Icon ... Françoise Hardy Francoisehardy7

I just love this red jacket with the white blouse, especially with all the matching flowers surrounding her! // Is that a paisley print shirt I spy? I don’t think I need to say anymore Smile

I’m not entirely sure what else I can really say. Hardy’s fashion sense (at that point in time) seems youthful, but refined. Simple, but surprisingly quirky (I’m not quite sure why I get that impression, but I do). But ultimately, Françoise was a passionate and talented within her field, and it’s always these type of qualities which make someone a lasting icon.
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Vintage Icon ... Françoise Hardy
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